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为了解坝光湿地园水塘区生态修复效果,将 14 个水塘划分参照区和修复区,分别对两区植被 及生境修复效果进行野外调查。调查发现坝光湿地园水塘区植物共有 68 种 , 隶属于 23 科 56 属。多数水 塘水面与岸带植被以草本植物为主,植被种类较多但覆盖度不高,人为干扰痕迹明显。与参照区相比, 修复区水塘植被多样性指数较高,均匀度指数较低,水质状况和土壤环境有所改善但统计不显著。生境 因子中,土壤 pH 和水中 NO3- -N 两个指标属于普适性变量,会促进岸带植被的共同生长,而土壤 OM 和 TN、水中 EC 和 TP 属于筛选性变量,对先锋植被生长的促进作用更为明显,会加剧岸带植被种间竞争。 坝光湿地园水塘湿地虽处于修复初期,但已是较为完整的生态系统,建议今后以自然更新修复措施为主。
关键词:   水塘湿地 ; 湿地植物 ; 湿地生境;湿地恢复
Restoration Effects of Ornamental Ponds in Baguang Wetland Park, Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
Lin YIhuan,Xiaoshihong,Caijian,gaochangjun,Caijiebin and Yixiaoqing
Center for Wildlife Animal Rescue and Protection,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry
To understand restoration effects of ponds in Baguang Wetland Park, fourteen ponds were divided into restoration and reference area, and wetland plants and their habitats (e.g., water and soil environment) in the two areas were surveyed. A total of 68 species of wetland plants belonging to 23 genera and 56 families were recorded. Water surface and lakeside zone of most ponds dominated by herbaceous plants with relatively more types, lower coverage, and obvious interference trace. Compared to reference area, wetland plants, water and soil environments of ponds in restoration area improved generally. For example, Simpson’s diversity index and Pielou evenness index of pond ecosystems in restoration area were respectively higher and lower than that in the reference area with statistical significances (P < 0.05).Water quality index and soil physio-chemical parameters of pond ecosystems in restoration area improved slightly but did not reach statistical significance (P > 0.05). In these habitat factors, soil pH and NO3-N in waters belonged to universal indexes and could promote growth of all plant species on lakeside zones of ponds. Soil OM and soil TN, EC and TP in waters were selective variablesand could accelerate interspecific competition, and preferentially increased growth of pioneer plants. Ponds in Baguang Wetland Park still belonged to the early restoration stage but were relatively complete ecosystems. So, the restoration measure in these areas should be adopted in naturally renewed way in the future.
Key words:   pond wetland; wetland plant; wetland habitat; wetland restoration