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在台山市红岭种子园内,以湿地松(Pinus elliottii)精选种子园3 个无性系的12 a 生树木为中 间砧木、加勒比松(P. caribaea)3 个变种共17 个无性系的新梢为接穗,研究砧木无性系、接穗无性系对 接穗嫁接成活率、成活穗条直径、长度生长、雌雄花量的影响。结果显示:3 个砧木中无性系B118 是嫁 接亲和力高的砧木无性系,B2、B6、C4、C5、H10、H17 是嫁接亲和力高的接穗无性系。方差分析结果 显示砧木无性系对成活穗条直径和长度生长都有极显著的影响,其中嫁接在砧木A05 上的接穗生长量最 大。开花性状方面,在全部的成活接穗中,有18.07% 的接穗产生雌球花,6.02% 的接穗产生雄花序,成 活接穗的雌、雄花量平均值分别为0.67 个和1.37 条。参试的17 个接穗无性系中,有7 个无性系的成活 接穗共产生了56 个雌球花、114 条雄花序;砧木无性系间对成活接穗的促花效果存在差异,无性系B118 的促花效果最佳。在台山市红岭种子园内,以湿地松(Pinus elliottii)精选种子园3 个无性系的12 a 生树木为中 间砧木、加勒比松(P. caribaea)3 个变种共17 个无性系的新梢为接穗,研究砧木无性系、接穗无性系对 接穗嫁接成活率、成活穗条直径、长度生长、雌雄花量的影响。结果显示:3 个砧木中无性系B118 是嫁 接亲和力高的砧木无性系,B2、B6、C4、C5、H10、H17 是嫁接亲和力高的接穗无性系。方差分析结果 显示砧木无性系对成活穗条直径和长度生长都有极显著的影响,其中嫁接在砧木A05 上的接穗生长量最 大。开花性状方面,在全部的成活接穗中,有18.07% 的接穗产生雌球花,6.02% 的接穗产生雄花序,成 活接穗的雌、雄花量平均值分别为0.67 个和1.37 条。参试的17 个接穗无性系中,有7 个无性系的成活 接穗共产生了56 个雌球花、114 条雄花序;砧木无性系间对成活接穗的促花效果存在差异,无性系B118 的促花效果最佳。
关键词:   加勒比松;高位嫁接;提早开花
Effectiveness Analysis of Pinus caribaea Top Grafting on Interstocks of P. elliottii
linchangming,zhongsuiying,wangzhe,zhaofencheng,yeweifang,tanzhiqiang,liyiliang and guowenbing
Guangdong Taishan Hongling Seed Orchard,Guangdong Taishan Hongling Seed Orchard,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Taishan Hongling Seed Orchard,Guangdong Taishan Hongling Seed Orchard,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry
At Hongling Seed Orchard, Taishan, Guangdong Province, the 12-year-old trees of three clones from slash pine 投注appally superior seed orchards “Elite” were as interstocks, and the shoot tips of 17 clones from three Pinus caribaea varieties were as scions. The effects of different interstock clones and different scion clones on the survival rate of grafted scions, diameter of live scions, length of living scions, and the amount of male and female strobili were studied. The results showed that the clone B118 was the interstock clone with the highest graft affinity, while the clones of B2, B6, C4, C5, H10 and H17 were the scions with a higher graft affinity. The result of variance analysis showed that different interstock clones had a significant effect on the growth of diameter and length of the living scions, and scions that grafted to interstock clone A05 had the largest growth. In terms of flowering traits, among all the living scions, 18.07% of them produced female inflorescences, 6.02%of them produced male inflorescences, and the average numbers of female and male inflorescences were 0.67 and 1.37, respectively. Of the 17 tested scion clones, the living scions of seven clones produced a total of 56 female and 114 male inflorescences. The effect of promoting flowering on the live scions was different among the three interstock clones, and the clone B118 had the best effect on promoting flowering.
Key words:   P. caribaea;top grafting;promote flowering