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基于资料、标本及长期野外调查数据,研究了广东平远龙文- 黄田省级自然保护区内野生的国家重点保护植物和珍稀濒危植物种类、数量和分布,分析了部分有特色的植物种群的高度结构和年龄结构。结果表明,区内共有各类珍稀濒危植物11 科12 属14 种,其中国家I 级重点保护的有台湾苏铁(Cycas taiwaniana)、伯乐树(Bretschneidera sinensis) 2 种;II 级重点保护植物9 种;因多年未见台湾苏铁的繁殖器官,该种群将趋于衰老;闽楠(Phoebe bournei) 种群以0.3~1.3 m 高度幼苗为主,年龄结构以II 级幼苗为主,属非典型的增长种群;半枫荷(Semiliquidambar cathayensis) 种群以树高8.1~10.0 m 的个体最多,年龄结构以中树最多,缺乏幼苗,属中等衰退种群;伞花木(Eurycorymbus cavaleriei) 种群以9.1~10.0 m 高度的个体最多,年龄结构以中树为主,属早衰种群;吊皮锥(Castanopsis kawakamii ) 种群以高度<2.0 m 的幼苗最多,属较稳定种群。针对各种群结构特点,文章提出了相应的保护措施。
关键词:   年龄结构;高度结构;国家保护植物
分类号 Q948.15
Study on the Populations Characteristics of Rare and Endangered Plants in Longwen-Huangtian Natural Reserve of Pingyuan, Guangdong Province
CHEN Yuanzhong,MIAO Shenyu,HUANG Jinling,CHEN Weilin,DAI Wentan,WANG Houlin and Zhang Guangliang
Longwen-Huangtian Provincial Nature Reserve,Pingyuan,Pingyuan ,China,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,School of Architecture and Urban Planning,Guangzhou University,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,Longwen-Huangtian Provincial Nature Reserve, Guangdong
Based on the references, herbarium, and the data of field investigation for more than 10 years, the species, numerous and distribution of key national protected plant, rare and endangered plants in Longwen-Huangtian Provincial Nature Reserve of Pingyuan, Guangdong, and the height structure and age structure of some distinctive plant populations were studied in this paper, so as to provide scientific basis for the survival and development of these valuable species. The results showed that there were 14 species belonging to 12 genus and 11 families for all kinds of rare and endangered plants in the reserve, including two species of Cycas taiwaniana, and Bretschneidera sinensis as Grade I for key national protected plants, 9 species as Grade II. The productive organs of Cycas taiwaniana have not been seen for many years, and that might result in it's senescence. The Phoebe bournei population was dominant by seedling height of 0.3 to 1.3 m, and was mostly made by grade II seedling for age structure, so the population showed a not typical increasing population. Most of the individuals were between the heights of 8.1 to 10.0 m for Semiliquidambar cathayensis population, the age structure was made mostly by the middle trees, and no seedling was found, so the population was medium declining population. Similar to the S. cathayensis population, most of the Eurycorymbus cavaleriei individual was between the heights of 9.1 to 10.0 m, and the age structure was mostly by the middle trees, the population was early declining population. Castanopsis kawakamii population was dominant by the seedling with height of beneath 2.0 m, the population was relative stable. According to the characteristics of the various population, some relevant protective measures were suggested in this paper.
Key words:   age structure; height structure; key national protected plant