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社会性昆虫的复杂行为一直是动物行为学研究领域的热点之一。通过等级分化和劳动分工合 作机制,社会性昆虫在自然界进化中占据有利的生态地位。同时其生殖周期短、易于繁殖饲养和生理机 制较高等动物简单等特点,使其成为研究社会行为的模式昆虫。然而,社会性昆虫行为的生理与分子机 制一直未完全阐明。研究这些行为的内在机制不仅可使人类更好利用蜜蜂等益虫为社会经济发展和生态 健康服务,而且可为设计新型行为调控剂防治林业害虫如黑翅土白蚁、家白蚁及红火蚁等提供理论参考。 因此,文章就社会性昆虫的行为及其神经传导、内分泌调节及遗传控制的调控机制进行简要综述。
关键词:   社会行为;信息素;激素;基因编辑;表观遗传调控
分类号 S782.42
Physiological Mechanism of Social Insects Behavior: Nerve Conduction, Endocrine Regulation and Genetic Basis
QIU Hua-Long,Mo Xian and QIN Chang-Sheng
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protection and Utilization,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,Forest Disease and Insect Control and Quarantine Station of Zhongshan City,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protection and Utilization,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou
The complex behavior of social insects have been one of the focus attention on the field of animal behavior research. By means of caste differentiation and division of labor, social insects have occupied a favorable position in the evolution of nature. At the same time, the characteristics of the short reproductive cycle, high production rate, and relative simple physiological mechanisms to higher animals, which make them become a model for studying social behavior insects. However, the physiological and 投注app mechanisms of social insect behavior have not been fully elucidated. The discovery of mechanism of this behavior would not only improve the efficiency of human society to use the beneficial insects for the development of economic, society and the health of ecology, but also provide basic theory for the exploit of newly behavioral regulator for the management of forestry pests such as Odontotermes formosanus, Coptotermes formosanus and Solenopsis invicta, etc. Therefore, this article summarizes the behavior of social insects, their nerve conduction, endocrine regulation and 投注app basis,with a view to providing the reference for related research.
Key words:   social behavior; pheromone; hormone; gene editing; epi投注appal regulation