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文章以1950-2000年世界各地气象站19个气温和降水量相关气候信息的平均值为基础,通过主成分分析和聚类分析方法,对红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)14个主要分布区内的22个气象样点进行气候区划。结果表明,纬度与气温的季节性呈显著性正相关(0.71),与最冷月最低温呈显著性负相关(-0.72);年最干月降水量与气温年较差呈显著性正相关(0.72),与最干季平均温呈显著性负相关(-0.71);19个因子可以综合为4个主成分,前4个主成分累计贡献率达80%,表明最冷季降水量、最暖季平均温、最暖季降水量和最暖月最高温具有较强的代表性;根据系统聚类将22个气象样点划分为四大气候区: 南亚热带地区、中亚热带地区、西亚热带地区和热带北缘地区,这4个气候区在水、热两大气候因子上均有较大的差异。
关键词:   红锥;气候区区划 主成分分析;聚类分析
The climatic regionalization of the distributional region of Castanopsis hystrix
Yang Hui-Xiao
South China Agriculture University
Castanopsis hystrix is one of the important evergreen broad-leaved tree species of south China forest. The total climatic area of the distribution of C. hystrix was regionalized by the methods of principal component analysis and cluster analysis based on 1950-2000 climate data worldwide from 22 climatic sample plot of their distribution. The results showed that the correlation coefficients between latitude and seasonal temperature, the lowest temperature were 0.71 and -0.72, respectively. The correlation coefficients between the lowest annual precipitation and the annual temperature range and the average temperature of the most dry season were 0.72 and -0.71, respectively. Principal component analysis indicated that four climatic factors were the most important characteristics discriminating variation among the 22 climatic samples. The whole distributional region of C. hystrix could be divided into four climatic regions: south?subtropical region, mid-subtropical region, Asia tropics region and tropical region. The water and temperature climatic factors in the four climatic regions were significantly different.
Key words:   Castanopsis;hystrix, climatic;region regionalization, principal;component analysis, cluster;analysis