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李东1, 徐家雄2
椰子织蛾(Opisina arenosella)是棕榈植物重要食叶害虫,在湛江一年发生 4~5 代、以 4 代为 主,世代重叠,以高龄幼虫越冬。每年 7—8 月份林间种群数量最大,8—9 月份危害严重,幼虫主要在 植物中层和下层老叶叶片背面皱褶处危害,形成不规则蛀道。蛀道长 60~150 mm,蛀道内粪便与其吐的 丝交织,幼虫隐藏于蛀道内取食叶肉,严重时叶肉大部分被吃光,后期造成叶片卷曲、干枯,形似火烧。 害虫完成 1 世代历期 50~65 d,其中幼虫历期 30~35 d,蛹历期 10~14 d,成虫历期 5~10 d, 卵历期 4~6 d。 车载电动喷雾器防治试验结果表明,20% 好年冬乳油 1 200 倍液、44% 多虫清乳油 1 200 倍液和 50% 甲 刻水分散粒剂 800 倍液,喷药后第 5 天,3 种药剂对椰子织蛾幼虫防治效果达到 90.26%~93.38%;喷药后 第 10 天,防治效果达到 93.16%~95.24%;3 种药剂的防治效果不存在差异。推荐交替使用上述 3 种药剂, 相隔 10~15 d,连续防治 2~3 次,可以控制其危害。
关键词:   椰子织蛾;生物学特性;药剂防治
Biological Characteristics and Control Experiments of Opisina arenosella
11, Xu Jiaxiong2
1;2..Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou, Guangdong
Opisina arenosella is an important leaf-eating pest of palm plants. In this study, the biological characteristics and occurrence regularity of O. arenosella in Zhanjiang were systematically observed, and appropriate insecticides and prevention methods were selected using vehicle electric sprayer. The results showed that O. arenosella occurs for about 4-5 generations a year in Zhanjiang. There was more often happened to be 4 generations and its generations were usually overlapped. They overwinter as the higher instar larvae. The population is largest from July to August,and the damage is most serious from August to September in each year. The durations of one generation is about 50-65 d, the larval stage is about 30-35 days, the pupal stage is 10-14 days, the adult stage is 5-10 days, and the egg stage is 4-6 days. Spraying with 20% Carbosulfan EC 1 200 times diluted liquid, 44% Cypermethrin+Profenofos EC 1 200 times diluted liquid and 50% Imidacloprid+Monosultap water dispersible granule 800 times diluted liquid using vehicle electric sprayer could cause 90.26%-93.38% mortalities of O. arenosella larvae on the 5th day post treatment, the mortalities increased to 93.16%-95.24% on the 10th day after spraying. There was no significant difference in the control effects among the three kinds of pesticides. It is recommended that these three kinds of insecticides should be used alternately to control O. arenosella, for spraying 2-3 times in one generation and keeping 10-15 days apart between two times.
Key words:   Opisina arenosella;biological characteristics;chemical control