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刘彩琴1, 张艳艳2, 刘欣1
2017 年 3 月至 2019 年 12 月对象头山国家级自然保护区蜻蜓目昆虫进行了持续调查,鉴定和统计到 122 种蜻蜓,隶属于 14 科 74 属,蜻科种类最多,有 33 种,其次为春蜓科,有 28 种,优势种为华艳色蟌 Neurobasis chinensis、胭翅绿色蟌 Mnais mneme、并纹小叶春蜓 Gomphidia kruegeri、海南亚春蜓 Asiagomphus hainanensis、笛尾弓蜻 Macromia calliope、黑尾灰蜻 Orthetrum glaucum、黄蜻 Pantala flavescens、庆褐蜻 rithemis festiva 等。在世界动物地理区系类型方面,东洋界种类较多,有 92 种,占总数的 75.41%;东洋界 – 古北界类型的种类相对较少,只有 28 种,约占总数的 22.95%,广布种有 2 种;中国动物区系地理方面,有 10 种分布型组合,华南区的种类最多,有 50 种,占 40.98%;跨西南区的有 13 种,占 10.66%,跨华中区的有 19 种,占 15.77%;跨西南区、华中区、华北区的种类也较多,有 20种,占 16.39%。蜻蜓目昆虫区系分析结果与象头山自然保护区所处地理位置相一致。
关键词:   蜻蜓目;区系;地理;象头山
Geographical Fauna of Odonata in Xiangtoushan National Reserve, Guangdong Province
LIU Caiqin1, ZHANG Yanyan2, LIU Xin1
1.Administration of Guangdong Xiangtoushan National Nature Reserve,Huizhou;2.: Hui zhou Forestry Science Research Institute,Huizhou
The field investigation of Odonata in Xiangtoushan national nature reserve was carried out from 2017 to 2019. The results showed that there were 122 species of Odoneta, belonging to 14 families and 74 genera, in this reserve. The species number is the highest in Libellulidae (33 species), next to Gomphidae (28 species). The dominant species are Neurobasis chinensis,Mnais mneme ,,Gomphidia kruegeri,Asiagomphus hainanensis,Macromia calliope,Orthetrum glaucum,Pantala flavescens and Trithemis festiva etc. The world faunal characteristics of Odonata in this reserve showed that 92 species (occupied 75.41%) are oriental, 28 species (occupied 22.95%) are oriental-palearctic. Meanwhile, all these species construct 10 distribution groups in seven Chinese Zoogeographic subregions. There are 50 (40.98%) species in South China subregion, 13 (10.66%) species in South and Southwestern subregions, 19 (15.77%) species in South and Central-China subregions, and 20 (16.39) species live in three subregions of South – Central – North China simultaneously. The results of Odonata fauna are consistent with the place of Xiangtoushan national reserve.
Key words:   Odonata; Fauna; Geography; Xiangtoushan