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城市绿地有助于提高空气环境质量,缓解城市热岛效应和区域生态压力,其土壤直接关系到城市的绿化效果以及绿地的可持续发展。本文以广州南沙滨海公园表层土壤(0-20 cm)为研究对象,研究了土壤含水量、容重、pH值、有机质、氮、磷、钾含量等土壤理化性质。结果显示,广州南沙滨海公园内表层土壤钾素的供应较为充足,但整体养分含量低,肥力低,尤其是磷、氮极其缺乏。依据公园土壤性状,对土壤的改良和利用方式进行了探讨,并针对性的提出了管理措施。
关键词:   滨海绿地 广州南沙 土壤肥力 土壤改良
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2008BAJ10B0305); 广州市南沙区科技计划项目(O734021001)。
Soil Fertility Evaluation and Related Soil Improvement and Utilization =of Nansha Seaside Park in Guangzhou
Urban green spaces are important for improving air quality, alleviating urban heat island effect and local ecological stress. Soil in the urban green spaces plays great role in good greening effect and sustainable development of urban green spaces. In this study, we determined soil physical and chemical properties including soil water content, bulk density, pH value, organic matter and N, P, K content in Nansha Seaside Park of Guangzhou. Results showed that soil K content was relatively plentiful, however, the general soil fertility was low especially for soil N and P content. Accordingly, we discussed the park managements on soil amelioration and related utilization.
Key words:   Seaside green space, Nansha District, soil fertility, soil amelioration