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基于UTM公里网格方法划分的66个网格的土壤剖面数据,分析了蕉岭长潭自然保护区5种典型植被类型(马尾松林、杉木林、针阔混交林、阔叶混交林和竹林)的表层土壤(0~20cm)有机碳含量、密度、储量的分布特征与影响因子。结果表明:(1)表土有机碳含量SOC分布在12.61~66.19 g kg-1之间,平均值为30.87± 1.30 g kg-1,大小顺序为竹林>阔叶混交林>针阔混交林>杉木纯林>马尾松纯林,多重比较显示竹林(37.63 g kg-1)显著高于马尾松林(18.52 g kg-1),马尾松林仅为竹林的47.49%。(2) 表土有机碳密度SOCD在3.27~15.69 kg m-2间, 平均值为8.22± 0.39 kg m-2,大小排序为阔叶混交林>竹林>针阔混交林>杉木纯林>马尾松林,阔叶混交林(10.15 kg m-2) 和竹林(9.96 kg m-2)的SOCD显著高于马尾松纯林(4.82 kg m-2)(p=0.005, p=0.036),马尾松林仅是阔叶混交林的49.21%。(3)蕉岭长潭保护区表土层有机碳储量为402,100 t,占总面积54.54%的针阔混交林贡献最大,其次为阔叶混交林,杉木林、竹林和马尾松林。(4) 表土有机碳含量与土壤全氮、速效钾含量显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.40和0.31;与石砾含量极显著负相关,相关系数达到-0.76。与林下植物分布有密切联系,有机碳含量<20 g kg-1的指示种有6种,包括千年桐、黄毛楤木、米碎花、谷木冬青、长叶冻绿和乌韭,有机碳含量>40 g kg-1的指示种有光叶海桐和土茯苓,有机碳含量20 g kg-1~40 g kg-1间还未发现指示种。
关键词:   土壤有机碳含量;土壤有机碳密度;碳贮量;长潭自然保护区
The Research on Topsoil Organic Carbon in Jiaoling Changtan Nature Reserve,Guangdong Province, PRC
Soil organic carbon, the main part of terrestrial carbon pool, plays an important role in terrestrial carbon cycle, and is one of the most important components in the research of global change. Based on the UTM grid method, the paper aims to analyze soil organic carbon content (SOC) distribution patterns in Jiaolin Changtan Nature Reserve, and to determine which factors affect those patterns. There are 66 plots that process 1 km×1 km UTM sample plots in the five major patch types that was Pinus forest, Chinese fir forest, mixed conifer, broad-leaved mixed forest; And Bamboo forest . This paper adopted the forest distribution areas,sampling data and soil organic contents from each samples ,the results were as follows;(1) Soil organic carbon content was 12.61~66.19 g kg-1,the mean was 30.87 ± 1.30g kg-1,The sequence was in the order of Bamboo forest> broad-leaved mixed forest > Mixed conifer >Chinese fir forest> Pinus forest, there was significant difference between Bamboo forest and Pinus forest, The highest is 37.63 g kg-1 that was in Bamboo forest and the lowest of 18.52 g kg-1 in Pinus forest,So the lowest is 49.49% of the highest; (2) Soil carbon density was 3.27~15.69 kg m2,the mean was 8.22± 0.39kgm-2,and CV was 5.97%,and the range order is broad-leaved mixed forest(10.15± 0.73 kgm-2) > Bamboo forestry(9.96± 1.29 kgm-2)> Mixed conifer(7.58± 0.46kgm-2) >Chinese fir forest(7.46± 1.79 kgm-2)> Pinus forest(4.82± 0.78 kgm-2),there was significant difference between Pinus forest and broad-leaved mixed forest(p=0.005) and Bamboo forest( p=0.036),So the lowest is 49.21% of the highest (3) The carbon storage was 402,100t in 50.5914 km2,and the Mixed conifer type is the biggest due to its area is 54.54% , and other is broad-leaved mixed forest > Chinese fir forest> Bamboo forestry> Pinus forest.(4) SOC content is positively correlated with soil nitrogen content(p=0.008,r2=0.16) and available K(P=0.012, r2=0.09), negatively correlated with Content of rock fragments(r=-0.76,p=0.00), and significantly related with the understory vegetation, there are 6 species that included Aleurites Montana,Aralia decaisneana,Eurya ciliate,Ilex memecylifolia,Rhamnus crenata,Stenoloma chusanum,in the first type, that the soil carbon content<20 g kg-1 ,2 species that included Pittosporum glabratum, Smilax glabra in the another type that the soil carbon density >40 gkg-1 and there are no obvious species in the latest one that the soil carbon density ranged from 20 g kg-1 to 40 g kg-1 .
Key words:   soil organic carbon content;soil carbon density;carbon storage;Jiaoling Changtan Nature Reserve