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关键词:   西江中下游 针阔混交林 优势种群 结构 分布格局
Structure and Spatial Patterns of Dominant Populations in the Conifer and Broadleaf Mixed Forest in Middle-Lower Reaches of Xijiang River
This study was carried out in the conifer and broadleaf mixed forest in Middle-Lower Reachers of Xijiang River with Pinus massoniana, Cyclobalanopsis chungii, Schefflera octophylla, and Lithocarpus corneus as the most important dominant species. Field data were obtained by tally with permanent sample plot, every—tree measuring,and regeneration measuring. The floristic composition and community structure of dominant populations were examined by applying the age class substituting for size structure change. The distribution patterns of dominant populations were discussed on the basis of assembling intensity indexed, such as Variance/mean, negative binomial distribution, mean crowding, diffusion index and index of patchiness. The results showed that the age structures of the population of Pinus massoniana and Lithocarpus corneus were spindle type and declining due to lack of seedlings, Schefflera octophylla had a large reserve of seedings, showing a inverse J of population structure, and Cyclobalanopsis chungii both had a certain amount of seedlings and median trees, showing increase structure, but instabilization. As to the distribution pattern of dominant trees are different among species and various developmental stage. The spatial distribution patterns of Pinus massoniana were from uniform to clump, Cyclobalanopsis chungii was always clump, Schefflera octophylla and Lithocarpus corneus clump for saplings, random for adult trees and big trees. Generally speaking, with the progressive succession, the aggregation intensity was decrease.
Key words:   middle-lower reachers of Xijiang River, conifer and broadleaf mixed forest, dominant populations,structure,spatial patterns